Top 10 Telegram News Channels

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In this article, we introduce the top 10 Telegram news channels. Telegram is a cloud-based messaging and communication application, with more than 500 million active users and 30 million new users joining this application every month, Telegram today is one of the best news platforms in the world.

Telegram Adviser helps you increase your knowledge and expertise about Telegram, know all the exciting features and characteristics of Telegram, and as the best reference for your Telegram, you can count on Telegram Adviser.

In this interesting article from Telegram Adviser, we want to speak about the top 10 Telegram news channels. If you want to know the best news channels on Telegram, don’t miss this opportunity to read this article from start to finish.

My name is Jack Ricle from The Telegram Adviser website, Please stay with me till the end of the article.

What Is the Telegram Application?

Telegram is one of the most used and most famous messaging applications in the world, from personal chats and group calling to using Telegram channels and groups, Telegram is a platform where you can do everything on it.

Because people use Telegram all day long and many hours a day, Telegram is the best platform for news.

What Is Telegram Channel & Telegram News Channel?

Telegram channel is a place where you can easily share your content, any type of content including news can be easily broadcasted using the Telegram channel.

Telegram channels can have an infinite number of subscribers and there is no limit to the frequency of your posts.

Telegram news channels are channels that cover news on one or two topics or as the public news Telegram channel.

Telegram is fast and secure, and Telegram channels are growing this means Telegram is the best platform for the news platform.

Why Telegram Is The Best Platform For News

Telegram is a popular and growing messaging application, there are many reasons that Telegram is the best news platform, some of them are:

  • Telegram is very fast, from sending and receiving messages to receiving notifications, this features helped Telegram to be a great news platform
  • For the news, security, and safety is key. Telegram is one of the most secure platforms in the world and news can securely spread on this application
  • As Telegram is a messaging application and there are millions of channels and groups, people are very active on Telegram and this is why Telegram is the best platform for the news

Telegram is growing rapidly and this is good news for news reporters, the more growth of Telegram means more people are on Telegram and this will increase the popularity of Telegram as one of the fastest and best news platforms.

How To Find The Best Telegram News Channels

There are many ways that you can find the best Telegram news channels.

You can use the Telegram global search engine and enter a new keyword, then the most popular and biggest news channels will appear and you can join them.

Also, you can use the Google search engine and by a simple search, you can find the best and most popular news channels of Telegram, also you can use websites like Telegram Adviser as the reference for Telegram, and find the best channels of Telegram including the best news channels of Telegram.

Best Telegram News Channels

Now it’s time to discover some of the best news channels of Telegram, in this part of the article from Telegram Adviser, we are going to introduce you to the top 10 Telegram news channels.

If you are interested in growing your news Telegram channel or want to start your new Telegram channel, you can count on Telegram Adviser services to help you increase your new Telegram channel subscribers and help you achieve your goals.

Crypto World News

#1. Crypto World News

If you are looking for one of the best and most comprehensive Telegram channels about cryptocurrencies that covers the latest news of cryptocurrencies, and offers you fundamental and technical analysis of the cryptocurrencies and market reports, then Crypto World News is the channel you need to join and follow.

  • One of the best news channels of Telegram about cryptocurrencies
  • Covering the latest news about cryptocurrencies, covering all the important cryptocurrencies of the world and the new ones that will make headlines later in the Future
  • Covering ICO news and the latest analysis
  • Offering an analysis of the cryptocurrencies
  • Education, tips, and notes about cryptocurrencies and how to use the latest news and analysis for your benefit

Telegram News

#2. Telegram News

This is Telegram’s official channel about the latest news and updates on the application.

One of the best news channels of Telegram is the Telegram channel itself, covering the latest news and updates about Telegram in detail and in different formats.

  • The best news channel about Telegram Telegram itself is the official website of Telegram
  • Covering the latest news and updates of Telegram in different formats and in great detail
  • Introducing Telegram updates future features and characteristics in different formats with timeframes and details

Business Standard Official

#3. Business Standard Official

This news Telegram channel is the leading Indian news channel about finance and other topics from India and all over the world.

Covering news and breaking news about business and other topics from India and the world.

  • A top news Telegram channel about the business of India and other parts of the world
  • Very active channel that you can use and trust as the leading resource of the Indian news

Mint Business News

#4. Mint Business News

Receive the latest news about finance and business.

One of the top 10 news Telegram channels in the world and one of the best channels for finance and business, you can use this Telegram channel to know the latest news and breaking news of finance and business.

  • One of the best and top news Telegram channels about finance and business
  • Covering the most important news of business and finance all over the world
  • If business is important to you, join this channel and use the latest news and breaking news of the business from all over the world
Click to get information about the best ideas for Telegram channels

World News

#5. World News

Daily international news from all over the world, the most important news of the world from trusted resources, World News is one of the best and most active news Telegram channels in the world.

  • Get international news from trusted resources 24 hours a day
  • You trust this channel and be aware of the latest news and breaking news of the world in different categories
  • If you are interested in being up to date with the world, join this Telegram channel

Financial Times

#6. Financial Times

If you are interested in knowing the latest and most important news about finance, banks, and the financial markets, a trusted name has one of the top news Telegram channels in the world about finance.

Covering breaking news of finance from all over the world, this is the top news Telegram channel about finance.

  • The top news Telegram channel about finance
  • Covering the latest news and breaking news of finance from all over the world
  • Covering the latest news of the financial markets plus the breaking news
  • A reliable name you can trust in the world of finance

The New York Times

#7. The New York Times

If are you looking for a Telegram news channel that covers the latest news about the U.S.A and the world, then New York Times news Telegram channel is the best channel to join.

No need for more explanation, NY Times is a very famous media in the world and covers news from politics to sports and more.

  • A leading name in the world of news
  • One of the top 10 news Telegram channels you can trust
  • Covering the news you may not find anywhere else, covering all the news of the United States in different categories


#8. New.Bitcoin.Com

The leading news Telegram channel about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, covering the latest news and updates on cryptocurrencies.

This is the official Telegram channel of, with a focus on bitcoin, you can learn a lot of this from thos news Telegram channels.

  • The leading news Telegram channel about bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
  • Covering the latest news and updates about cryptocurrencies and bitcoin

The Indian Express

#9. The Indian Express

This Telegram channel is the best and leading Indian news Telegram channel in the world, covering all news of India and the world.

This news Telegram channel covers different categories and also has insights. If you are looking for a leading news channel about India and the world, The Indian Express is your best resource.

  • The leading news Telegram channel in India and the world
  • Covering all news of the world, a very famous and reliable resource that you can trust
  • One of the top 10 Telegram news channels in the world

Reuters: World

#10. Reuters: World

One of the most famous international brands in the world of news, the Reuters Telegram channel covers all the world news and emergency news.

If you are looking for a reliable news source and one of the best and leading news Telegram channels in the world, you can join the Reuters Telegram channel for the world’s latest news on different topics, especially world political news.

  • One of the leading Telegram news Telegram channels in the world
  • Covering the latest political news of the world as one of the most reliable sources
  • Covering breaking news and covering different categories

Telegram Adviser | Your Number One Telegram Reference

Telegram Adviser is the first and only encyclopedia of Telegram, we cover different aspects of Telegram.

From technical aspects to the business side, we cover everything you need to know about Telegram.

Also, we introduce the best channels and groups of Telegram in different topics and categories to help you find the best and enjoy using Telegram.

We offer different services for the growth of your Telegram channel. If you have a news Telegram channel and want to increase your subscribers and become famous, we can help you achieve this goal.

For more information about Telegram Adviser and receiving our consultation, please contact us at Telegram Adviser.

The Bottom Line

Telegram is growing and gaining a reputation as the best platform for offering the latest and breaking news.

In this article from Telegram Adviser, we introduced you to the top 10 news channels of Telegram.

If you are looking for the best news channels on Telegram, you can use this list in this article and join the Telegram channel you want.

If you know other new channels that are among the best on Telegram, you can comment.

Also if you have any questions about growing your Telegram channel and need consultation, please contact our experts at Telegram Adviser.

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