Top 10 Telegram Cybersecurity Channels

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In this article, we introduce the top 10 Telegram cyber security channels. Telegram is a very popular messaging application in the world, one of the fastest-growing applications with over a million new users adding to this application daily.

There are thousands of messaging applications in the world, but Telegram is a special one due to the features it offers to its users.

  • Telegram is very fast, one of the fastest applications in the world, sending and receiving messages, loading the application, using the application, and receiving notifications are very fast in Telegram
  • Telegram is very secure, there are a lot of security features that help Telegram to become a very secure account
  • Telegram is very easy to use, the user interface the Telegram is very beautiful and ultra-modern

Telegram channels are one of the unique features of this application, in this article from Telegram Adviser, we will get to know the top 10 Telegram cybersecurity channels, if you are an ethical hacker or a security professional, or interested in cybersecurity and hacking, we highly recommend you to read this practical article.

My name is Jack Ricle from The Telegram Adviser website, Please stay with me till the end of the article.

Telegram Cybersecurity Channels

What Top Telegram Cybersecurity Channels Offer?

  • Offering the latest news and updates on the cybersecurity and hacking world
  • Top Telegram cybersecurity channels offer the latest threats and risks in the world, you will get to know the latest threats and can make yourself ready for future risks and hacking
  • Education is one of the best features ls of these top 10 Telegram cybersecurity channels, you will learn about ethical hacking and the latest information and details ls of the malware and other hacking tools

In the next section, we are going to introduce you to the top 10 Telegram cybersecurity channels in the world that you can join and increase your knowledge.

Top 10 Telegram Cybersecurity Channels

Now it’s time to know the top 10 Telegram channels about hacking and cybersecurity.

The Hacker News

#1. The Hacker News

The first top Telegram channel about cybersecurity and hacking is The Hacker News Telegram channel.

This is one of the biggest and most famous channels covering the latest news and updates on cybersecurity and hacking.

Join this channel and be aware of the most important happenings in the world of hacking, this will help you to always be aware of the latest risks and know how to protect your system from these threats.

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Cloud & Cybersecurity

#2. Cloud & Cybersecurity

This Telegram channel covers the latest news and updates about security and hacking, also introducing you to the top cloud-based security and ethical hacking applications you can use for learning and protecting your systems from hacking.

Android Security & Malware

#3. Android Security & Malware

The third choice from the list of top 10 Telegram cybersecurity channels is the security of Android.

In this channel, you will learn how to protect your Android operating system from hacking, what are the most important and dangerous malware you should be aware of, and how to protect them.

This is a very unique channel that you can use to learn more about mobile security and be aware of the latest news and updates in this space.

Cybersecurity News

#4. Cybersecurity News

This is another great Telegram channel that covers the latest and most important news and updates about cybersecurity and hacking from the leading resources.

Under code Testing

#5. Under code Testing

This Telegram channel educates you about the programming and testing aspects of ethical hacking, if you love to learn hacking in action, then join this channel and use them for improving your knowledge and become a pro-ethical hacker.

The Bounty Hunter

#6. The Bounty Hunter

This Telegram cybersecurity channel is the one you will need if you are an ethical hacker or a cybersecurity expert, this channel introduces you to the latest and most important threats and hacking across the world.

Using this channel, you will be aware of the risks and the latest malware and be ready for them, details of the threats are provided and you can learn how to avoid the threats in this channel.

We highly recommend joining this Telegram channel and being aware of the latest hacks, risks, and threats. A great and very practical cybersecurity channel that can open your eyes to the latest threats available in the world.

Hack Worn

#7. Hack Worn

Our number seven choice from this list of top 10 Telegram channels about cybersecurity and hacking is a very interesting and unique channel.

Are you looking for a resource to learn ethical hacking from scratch? This Telegram channel teaches ethical hacking from scratch to the advanced level, using this top Telegram educational channel about cybersecurity and ethical hacking, you can become an advanced ethical hacker.

This channel offers its education in different formats with examples and real-world scenarios that help you fully understand the lessons and become a great ethical hacker.

Cybersecurity & Privacy News

#8. Cybersecurity & Privacy News

This Telegram channel covers the latest news and updates on cybersecurity and hacking in the world, get to know the best and most important news from the leading resources by joining this channel.

This is one of the biggest and most reputed cybersecurity and hacking news channels that you can use to always be aware of the latest changes and threats in the world.

Malware Research

#9. Malware Research

A very great and scientific Telegram cybersecurity channel in this list of top 10 Telegram channels about cybersecurity and hacking, as a security and hacking professional, you should join this channel.

In this interesting and Informative Telegram channel, the latest and most important malware is introduced, and details of them are provided and show you how you can protect yourself against this malware.

If you are an ethical hacker or a security expert, this top Telegram channel is for you, like the latest and most advanced malware in the world, know the details about them, and make your business or company secure against them.

This Telegram channel is for security professionals and ethical hackers, we highly recommend joining this channel and being aware of the latest threats and attacks.

Red Team Alerts

#10. Red Team Alerts

The last top Telegram cybersecurity channel from the top 10 Telegram cybersecurity channels is one of the most important and exciting channels in this field.

This channel covers the latest threats and attacks happening in the world, defining these threats and attacks and providing details about them, and also covering the latest news and updates about hacking and cybersecurity.

If you want to know what is happening in the world of hacking and be aware of the latest news and advancements, we recommend you join this channel and use the great content offered by Red Team Alerts Telegram channel.

Introducing Telegram Adviser

Telegram Adviser is known as the first encyclopedia of Telegram, we introduce you to the top and the best Telegram channels and groups of the world in different topics and categories that you can learn about them and join them.

Through our research-based and practical articles, we teach you everything you need to know about Telegram, also introducing you to all the features and characteristics of Telegram plus covering the latest updates about the Telegram application.

If you want to become an advanced user of Telegram and become a Telegram expert, we invite you to visit the Telegram Adviser website and read all the articles one by one.

Also, Telegram Adviser offers diverse services for you, these are:

  • Telegram subscribers add, adding real and active subscribers from thousands to millions to your Telegram channel
  • Telegram targeted members add, using the best practices of mobile marketing, we add you targeted members that will become your customers shortly
  • Telegram Adviser offers digital marketing services for growing your Telegram channel
  • Content creation services for your Telegram channel

For a free analysis of your Telegram channel, and to create a growth plan for your Telegram channel, please contact our experts at Telegram Adviser.

The Bottom Line

Cybersecurity is one of the most important parts of any business in today’s world, as the risks of sophisticated hacks are increasing, businesses need more cybersecurity and ethical hacking experts to protect their business.

In this interesting article authored by Telegram Adviser, we introduced you to the top 10 Cybersecurity channels of the world where you can learn about ethical hacking and the latest advancements in security plus being aware of the latest news in the cybersecurity and hacking world.

If you know other great cybersecurity channels, please introduce them, also if you are an expert and have an ethical hacking and cybersecurity Telegram channel and want to grow your channel, please contact our experts at Telegram Adviser.

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